A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android
SPYral is a board game which has elements of chess, puzzle and card game.
Each team plays to move their pawn on the board in accordance with the directions of the cards to get an item (suitcase) and come back to the START.
The key element is that players need to collaborate each other, even though they don't know which card their team mate have. Sometimes it backfires...
We created this game at Kujoyama Game Jam on May 18th 2019. At first we were thinking of computer games but later we switched to an analog game.
This game is made for 4 players, 2 teams of 2.
Each team controls one player piece (boy or girl). It doesn't matter which they choose to control.
The first team to pick up the suitcase and move over either START space has successfully captured the intelligence, and wins the round!
To start, put each player piece (boy, girl) on one of the START spaces facing forward towards the goal. Place the suitcase on the (o) goal.
Deal 5 cards face down to each player (all 4 players get 5 cards!).
Each player may look at their own cards, but may not reveal or discuss them with anyone else.
Each team takes turns playing two cards. On your turn, the player who didn't go first last turn (start from a random player) starts by playing a card from their hand, and acting immediately on the board the effect of that card.
Then, the other player on the team plays a card from their hand, and acts on the board the effect that card.
Then, the turn passes to the other team.
A movement card is played based on your player piece's current direction. For example, if you play "left 1", then left is based on your player piece's bearing. Pieces always end a movement facing in the direction they last moved.
If a player piece would move into the edge of a board, they instead loop around to the space opposite from it. In this sense, the board is an infinite loop.
If a player piece runs into the other player, they push the opponent piece back one space in the direction of your piece's movement (including pushing them into traps, around the edge of the board, and into the suitcase), deal 1 damage to that player, and move into the space they had just occupied. This can happen more than once per movement (if you play a forward 2 card, for instance).
Opponent move cards work exactly the same way: movement is all based on their player piece's current direction. All contact rules apply for opponent move cards, as well.
Bomb (mine) trap cards may be placed inside the tile in any cardinal direction from your player piece's space.
Laser walls may be placed along any edge of any tile that's in a 1-tile radius from your player piece (diagonally or cardinally).
Bomb traps are triggered by landing in that space. Laser walls are triggered by moving across that border between tiles.
All traps deal 1 damage to players when triggered. They do not cause the player to drop the suitcase.
All traps disappear once they are triggered once. Multiple traps may exist at the same location.
If your life runs out, you immediately end your turn (if it's your turn) and lose your next turn. After that, once it becomes your turn again, you respawn at either of the START spaces, facing forward as you did when the game began.
Jasper Stephenson
Kimika Mizushima
Ted Bom
Chiyo Kamino
Status | Prototype |
Category | Physical game |
Author | ChiyoKamino |
Genre | Card Game, Puzzle |
Tags | Board Game, Chess, Team-Based |
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